Childhood habits that affect your adult life

Believe it or not, but a lot of what goes on in our childhood influences our adult life and health. Whether it is picking your nose, sleeping with the light on, or biting your nails, the biological side of these harmless acts turns out to have crucial repercussions even years later.

Heavy backpack

Were you carrying a backpack that was too heavy when you were a child? That might be the reason why you have back pain today. According to a 2004 study, adults who suffer from chronic back pain already complained about pain or about their backpacks when they were little.


Sleeping with the light on

Some children are afraid of the dark and prefer to sleep with the bedroom light on. According to a 2018 study, if you still continue to do so in your adult life, you might be exposed to a higher risk of depression.


Picking your nose

In 2006, researchers released a study after testing 324 people. They found that nose pickers had 51% higher chance of carrying the bacteria S. aureus—a bacteria that often resides in the nasal cavity.


Watching too much television

A study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex revealed that children who watched too much television have lower verbal IQ scores. Another study found that kids who spend too much time in front of the screen could have attention problems in their adolescence.


Drinking too many sugary drinks

Drinking too many fruit juices or other sweet drinks can lead to poor oral health and weight gain.


Sucking your thumb

The older you get, the more you grow out of the thumb-sucking habit, but it can leave some long-term side effects. This bad habit can affect the alignment of your teeth or even impact the roof of your mouth.


Sedentary behavior

Being too sedentary as a child can affect your adult life. Kids who have healthy activity levels are more likely to have healthy activity levels when they grow up.


Doing chores
If you were raised doing chores, you probably thought it was the most annoying thing ever. However, according to Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the book ‘How to Raise an Adult,’ children who were raised to do chores are more likely to become independent, empathetic, and collaborative adults.
Trying to be cool
A study published in the journal Child Development found that teenagers who tried too hard to act cool in their adolescence were more likely to experience problems with drinking and drugs in their adult life.

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